Part 1/7 – Interview with a nazi ss officer – franz suchomel – Discussion of treblinka gas chambers. 01/10/2011 § Leave a Comment. Share this: Share. Twitter &. Email. Like this: Like Loading... Leave a Reply Cancel reply.
franz suchomel
Franz Suchomel`s Holohoax tale: Engine Gas, not Zyklon B, used at Treblinka. Upon arriving at Treblinka, the jews were given a tour of the camp, including the gas chambers, where they saw dead jews "fall out like potatoes.
A rare interview with nazi ss officer Franz Suchomel discussing his experience as an ss officer at Treblinka concentration camp August 1942 – October 1943, thereafter sobibor. trieste 1944. Sentenced to 6 years in 1965.
Treblinka camp SS-Unterscharführer Franz Suchomel. SS-Unterscharführer Franz Suchomel, discussing his experience as an SS officer at Treblinka concentration camp August 1942 - October 1943. He was in Trieste in 1944& ...
Part 1/7 – Interview with a nazi ss officer – franz suchomel – Discussion of treblinka gas chambers. 01/10/2011 § Leave a Comment. Share this: Share. Twitter &. Email. Like this: Like Loading... Leave a Reply Cancel reply.
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